Sending Christmas Cards


Registered User
I'm just about to embark on the chore of writing Christmas cards, finding addresses, queueing for stamps etc. It's my least favourite Christmas thing. Just wondering how many of you still send cards? My parents send hundreds and so do most of their generation, I think.
I will send christmas cards, and like doing so. its a drag writing them but I like sending and receiving them. one trick i do is keep the previous years cards i get, that who gets them this year!!!
We send cards only to the elderly and to those who would be apoplectic if they didn't receive them. Don't know how many we get ourselves - between 20 and 30 maybe? Wouldn't care if we got them or not TBH.
Usually send around 20-30 cards a year. Like to buy the Irish Heart Foundation cards or any local charity cards.
If you find it a chore, you really should question why you do it. Habit, I suppose and a feeling that you should.
I send cards to friends abroad that we see rarely. It's a nice routine to make sure that the year has not passed without keeping in touch. I dont send cards to people that I see regularly. Cant see the point. Prefer to ring them or see them and say Happy Christmas in person.
I used to like sending them but I think the money would be better spent giving it directly to charity.

Its well known that if you buy charity cards that only a small proportion actually gets to the charity.
Its well known that if you buy charity cards that only a small proportion actually gets to the charity.
That depends on how/where you buy them. If you buy them in the high street, then you are right. If you buy them direct from the charity, you are wrong.
No don't really bother with them except to nephews and niece who live in England and one in Scotland, and that is only really to send them money.

I have never understood why people send cards to work colleagues that you see everyday, though that hasn't happened in my last couple of jobs.

I don't even bother putting up the ones we do receive, they just get in the way.

You should count yourself lucky that you do receive cards. Some people don't even have one person to send them a card and when they do they are so grateful they proudly display it for any visitors to see. That is why I send cards to old friends and neighbours of my parents and why I gladly display any cards I receive from them.

I know, it's not that I don't appreciate them but I just find myself taking them down after a couple of days - usually to polish the shelf - and they just never get put back up.
I actually think they're a great excuse not to do any polishing for a couple of weeks. Anyway I wrote and posted mine this weekend so that's that chore out of the way. I do enjoy receiving cards, I just hate having to look up addresses and remember who to send them to.
On a related note, I believe our TDs are still wasting our money sending Christmas cards to constituents. Have any of you received one and did you:

a. Bin it
b. return it
c. Display it on your mantlepiece.
On a related note, I believe our TDs are still wasting our money sending Christmas cards to constituents. Have any of you received one and did you:

a. Bin it
b. return it
c. Display it on your mantlepiece.

I'm surprised the Green Party haven't been ranting and raving about this. Next year i predict a tax on christmas cards to save the planet.
I used to be eco minded and now look what they've done to me!
On a related note, I believe our TDs are still wasting our money sending Christmas cards to constituents. Have any of you received one and did you:

a. Bin it
b. return it
c. Display it on your mantlepiece.

B - I sent it back marked "returned to sender" and told him not to use my taxes to send me a card ever again. I kept the one from another TD who had delivered his cards and have printed on them "no public finances used in the printing or distribution of these christmas wishes".
B I kept the one from another TD who had delivered his cards and have printed on them "no public finances used in the printing or distribution of these christmas wishes".

So you believed it? I'm not sure I would have.