Senate Committee Stage - GET AE DONE

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
Below are extracts from Wednesday's committee stage of the AE Bill. Italics were inserted by me. Bold highlights the Get Brexit Done panic- after 30 years they cry they are out of patience. What is another 3 months? and in any case Colm has argued that the consideration of his proposal need not in any way hold up implementation,
Fair play to McDowell.

At least he tried.

Yes, indeed. I know Colm will be disappointed that McD looked like throwing in the towel at the end. He saw that he had no chance and so presumably simply followed parliamentary etiquette.
One has to appreciate that McD is taking a very honest position. He is not claiming to fully understand the proposal or even to be supporting it. But taking the helicopter view he sees a proposal which nobody is denying Colm's claims for it. It is being rejected because it hasn't been done before but actually mainly because everybody has run out of patience. And of course the Minister (yes, she is generally very good) would be seen to have made a major U-turn and a GE is in the offing!
It would have had a chance if the amendment had not proposed the delay of implementation of the whole Bill but just the investment aspect. After all we are still unsure of the tax treatment.
The Minister also said:
Minister Humphreys said:
All the members’ money will be pooled into three different pots – low, medium and high risk - and a default pot.
... It is all pooled into one of four pots.
This is not actually as the Bill reads. Maybe just loose terminology from the Minister.
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That certainly stifles debate. Colm's claims are being turned against him. If you are suggesting higher returns that must come with higher risk - fact of life.
And yet the default approach is for high risk investment until age 51 so there is no problem with "risking members' money" before that age . That is correct if you want higher returns and the assumption is that the risk can be diversified over time, giving a sort of free lunch to long term investors. The conventional argument goes that as one approaches retirement and beyond, time diversification falls off. That is true - for the individual. But Colm's proposal pools the time risk and so continues to get the free lunch.
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The irony here is that I believe AE will be delayed past January 2025 anyway. Even Minister Humphreys seems to have started using language to that effect ... "It is expected we will have it in place possibly in January 2025."

It's going to be delayed long past January 2025 and she would have loads of time to do what McDowell asked.

Kudos to Senator McDowell for trying.