Semi-Solid Maple Creaking Badly


Registered User
I have searched here and other sites but have not found anyone reporting similar problems.

I have approximately 60sq m of Semi-Solid Maple flooring on the ground floor of my house. It was laid about 10 months ago by a family friend (tiller and wood floor fitter by trade - so I presume it was done correctly).
The semi-solid is glued and floated with a foam underlay on top of an existing timber floor.

The flooring covers the hallway and sitting room of existing 30 year old house and runs into our 12 month old extension which leads off the sitting room. The floor in the hallway was quite noisy (creaking) from the day it went in, but I thought it was just settling in with it being only 1m wide I presumed it was normal for a bit of noise when the floor was walked on.

However the bigger run of floor from the sitting into the extension is now all creaking and making cracking sounds as you walk on it. The sound has gotten progressively worse over the last 4 months. Think of walking across cornflakes and you will get the idea of what is sounds like...... crunch, crunch!

What is going on, Is the floor faulty do you think? It sounds really bad.

I have not had a chance to discuss it with the fitter as he is on holidays for the last 3 weeks.
Sounds like the floor underneath is uneven, or the floorboards underneath are not properly nailed down....
Hi, did he glue the edges of the boards together as he laid them? If not they rub off each other as you walk on them!!
Thanks for the replies guys.

The semi-solid covers three separate floors, one brand new, one old and the hall has had half of it replaced where it was damaged from a leaking front door. So I don’t think that the floor below is causing the problem. The floor feels very firm under foot; no sponginess so seems solid enough.

The T&G parts of the semi-solid were glued, but I don’t know if it was just spot glued or glued all along the groove.