Selling your house through Daft by yourself.


Registered User
Hi there, just wondering if anyone has had any better luck selling there house through Daft but using their own details rather than an estate agent. I have two houses for sale and three auctioneers working on them and barely any interest in houses. Is there any benefit or disadvantage to advertising myself??
If 3 auctioneers can't drum up any interest I wonder if Daft will make any difference.
I'm surprised that they haven't advertised in Daft -it's cheap enough.

You don't say whether you're in an area of rising prices like many parts of Dublin , or falling prices ,like overstocked outer commuter belt of main cities. Therefore one can't say whether it's the price that is causing no interest.
Unfortunatly both houses are on daft by at least two of the auctioneers. Both house in county cavan. The prices are definatly not too high, just no interest. Very disheartening
The prices are definatly not too high, just no interest. Very disheartening
Anything will sell.......if the price is right! The market dictates the price so it sounds to me that you need to drop your price no matter how cheap you think it seems! Cavan fever maybe?
We would take any offer that we got. Investment property is good to go, (on market for €40k would take €30k) and has no mortgage but our principal property is in negative equity and any offer would have to be run by the bank (IBRC) and have no idea what they would accept.
How long have the properties been on daft. If it's a month and you've no viewers than I suggest the price be lowered.

You also mentioned Cavan, is there actually a market there? Have you checked out the property price register in Cavan for your area in 2013 and 2012?
"anything will sell if the price is right" -Well, if one means the price is almost zero then that's true.

There are whole streets in some Northern UK cities that are almost free and nobody wants them. And the same is almost true of properties in parts of the border counties.

I share Toodles frustration after trying for years and ever decreasing prices to get rid of a similarly priced border county property. When it sunk to 40k I thought that, with a nett pre-tax yield of 5%, it may move. Now I'd take 35k.

I,like Toodles, have to decide whether to continue to eke out a small rent or almost give it away. I suppose I'm in the better position of not needing the money.

Actually, Toodles, is your place rentable? I know the sale position in Cavan but how's about the rental state?
Actually, Toodles, is your place rentable? I know the sale position in Cavan but how's about the rental state?

Rented at €380 per month but our position is, we have six months and repossession proceedings will start, or so im told. Im trying to get sale for both so to limit our shortfall. So renting is of no benefit awe have been told by IBRC that they "are taking both houses" :mad:

Investment property only on market for 2 months maybe, have dropped it by €15k in last month (from 55k to 40k).

Principal property entered the market five yrs ago at €349k, dropped to €299k, then €270k, then €249, then €199k and now currently at €159k. Depressing.

Sounds like there is no market at all, only option then is the auction route. Allsop's will tell you what price they think before you fully engage with them, so that will give you an idea of the likely actual auction price. Most of their properties sell and many by a good percentage above the reserve price.