Selling without an Estate Agent - Does it work???


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Selling without an Estate Agent - Does it work???
Hello forum,

I'm in the process of selling my apartment and after not being able to get through to my prospective Estate agent on the phone and there being no message on her phone, I'm considering going the self-sell route. However I have a few concerns:

Are prospective buyers uncomfortable dealing directly with the sellers??

Are there any problems with going this route??

Any information / experience from people who have sold privately would be greatly appreciated as would opinions from buyers.

Thanks a million
I sold my previous home and approched the seller of my current home all done private and no estate agent involved , reckon I saved around 7.5k
You just get prospective buyer to get a deposit to your solicitor A.S.A.P and get contracts signed aswell.

I know things have slowed down in the buying and selling of homes so maybe the advertisment and exposure a estate agent could give your property might be worth considering .
I sold and bought when the market was fast ... Now things are way different.

My 2 pence worth.
I think back in the day this may have been easier. Now it is difficult to sell a home and you may need all the advertising etcyou can get.

We are currently selling a house. Although we have 2 estate agents, we were approached privately by a couple. We didn't end up selling to the couple, but I found the whole process a bit awkward. Though I'm sure it could have been done. But at the end of the day, they only knew we were selling from the Estate Agent's signs..

We are now going through the sale process through the Auctioneer and although it's easy money on his part, I prefer the distance from the buyer.
I sold a house privately earlier this year it was so easy met the 1 buyer they had cash, I had engaged an EA but he ignored this buyer so I dealt directly with them house was wraped up no problems within 2 months for more money than the EA said it would make.

Next time I would do it privately put up a big sign with ur number and state the website it is advertised on lot of images.
Your solicitor will hold the deposit, on the day I gave them my solicitors business card depost paid the next day

I recomend self sale route after my experience sometimes the EA can be more of a hinderence
My experience from pre mid 2007

Are prospective buyers uncomfortable dealing directly with the sellers??

In the main no, it is the house they are after not a pretty salesperson. But, as an inexperienced seller it can be hard to spot the total wasters/spoofers/dreamers who will just waste your time.
My experience from pre mid 2007

In the main no, it is the house they are after not a pretty salesperson. But, as an inexperienced seller it can be hard to spot the total wasters/spoofers/dreamers who will just waste your time.

not all househunters find the right house, there is the point that they can be ushered there by an EA. People usually look at multiple properties so a criteria is put to the EA and he then puts forward the properties that are on his books that meet the criteria, a vendor cannot provide this kind of scope for their own property. This is only one such advantage that vendors can avail of with an EA.