I've vodafone shares since they bought out eircom and have signed up to the computershare website to manage them.
Recently I was updating my details online when I clicked into the outstanding payments tab. It had a couple of small amounts from cheques I hadnt cashed so I got them reissued.
However, it also said something about "there are other outstanding payments due that cannot be displayed here".
So I emailed computershare about it and got this response:
"Dear Mr *******
Thank you for your enquiry.
Outstanding payment
We confirm that the outstanding payment is for the redemption of your B shares and is worth €38.46. To reissue this, please write to the address below.
Computershare Investor Services PLC
PO Box 82
The Pavilions
Bridgewater Road
BS99 7NH
United Kingdom
This payment cannot be reinvested into dividends."
Certainly dont remember getting a cheque for this amount and not lodging it. And not sure what these B shares are seeing as I stopped reading correspondence from vodafone years ago........maybe thats why I still have them.
Might be worth checking out if you still own these shares!