Selling shares without an active account?


Registered User
A friend of mine has held Kenmare for a long suffering number o f years - the value is c.€2,000 at this stage. He actually has a certificate to that effect but because he has been inactive his account with the broker is dormant and as a result he has been told it will cost several hundred € to sell these through a broker.

Any advice on the most efficient way of disposing of these would be much appreciated.

I'm in a similar position. I have a share cert from the disposal of share options I had through a company options scheme (the shares are in an FT-100-listed company). I'd like to offload these but I spoke to Davy and it was working out at about €250 odd for them to perform this transaction, which I thought was ludicrous.
I know that AIB offer an over-the-counter service to sell shares but as I don't have an account with them, this isn't an option for me. So I contacted TD Waterhouse but made the mistake of indicating that I was born in the US so that disqualified me from signing up with them (the fact that I was a baby when I moved to Ireland and have never lived or paid tax in the US didn't matter to them).
If anyone has any suggestions on how best to sell these (at a reasonable rate), I'd really appreciate it.
Onekeano, Computershare Ireland offer this service for companies for whom they act as registrars, and I see that Kenmare is one of these. They are very reputable and worth a call.
Tommy, check out Computershare UK for your company. I am sure they or a similar co offer this service for your listed holding...look at the site of your holding (usually under Investor Relations, or similar tab) and you will find the name there
Thanks Mizen Head,
The company used Equiniti (a shower similar to Computershare) but they won't sell shares for non-UK based users so it's not as simple as it should be unfortunately.