Re: Selling share of house to sibling - help!!!!
I am selling my share in a house to my sister - initially we both took out
- Mortgage (92%)
- Bridging Loan (for the other 8% of house value plus some to furnish/decorate)
The agreement was to pay everything 50/50 which we did.
So in the sale I will receive 50% of the rise in the value of the house and a figure for furnishings (less depreciation).
She will then be 100% owner of the house.
My question in whether or not I need to continue repaying the bridging loan we took out and if so why?
My thought was no as if so then i should still own 4% of the house - which I won't. She disagrees!
Please help!!!
You definitely don't have to pay the 4%.
Basically - where i suspect your sister is making her mistake is that she asociates the word 'mortgage' with the house and 'personal loan' outside any house dealings.
The bottom line is that it is all borrowed money to purchase the property.
The terms 'mortgage' or 'personal loan' are only relevant to what % interest you pay the bank.
Ask your sister this question to try to illustrate it clearer:
Lets assume the house cost 100k.
What would happen if.for arguments, sake that to buy the house you got a mortgage 50% and a personal loan for the other 50%.
Lets ignore house price increases/decreases as it is irrelevant to the main disagreement.
Therefore - for simplicity,lets assume the house price is the same.
SO - you bloth now have to service 2 loans.
A mortgage of 25k each along with a personal loan of 25k each.
If you were to sell ylour share of the house to her, it means ytou should then transfer both the 25k mortgage and the 25k personal loan to her.
If i am correct in what you are saying, your sister would be suggesting in that instance that she will agree to take the 25k mortgage off your hands but insists you keep servicing the 25k personal loan.
So - in that instance - if your sister decided to sell the house tomorrow for 100k she would actually make a 25k profit - and you would be 25k in debt !
Which is obviously wrong if we are assumng the house price did not change.
Or using other figures to illustrate it.
Assume you got a mortgage of 1% - and a personal loan of the remaining 99%
What would your sister say you owe then?
In fact I don't think i explained my point well - but in a nutshell, you definitely should not be servicing any loans related to the hlouse when you have no ownership over the hlouse.
Only the owner of the property should be servicing any loans/mortgages related to the property.
And when your suister agrees to take over control of the house then unfortunately for her she must agree to take over all loans outstanding on the property also.