Selling or getting investment in my company


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I come from an engineering background so excuse my ignorance.

I have an private limited company which I setup with a number of former colleagues of mine. We have invested most of our capital in the technology infrastructure which is essential for the business. Without adequate funding we are cannot develope the business any further and are so, faced with a dilemma.

1. Sell the company
2. Look for investors
3. Close up shop

As I mentioned I am from an engineering background and so do not know how to go about option 1 or 2.

As the business that we are in is potentially so lucrative option 3 would be a very bitter pill to swallow. So any advice anyone can give me on option 1 & 2 would be appreciated

Many Thanks
Can you give some more details on your company; approx location, area of business, target market etc? There are different funding models out there for small/ start-up businesses, some of which are excellent, but they can be quite specific to a particular industry/ sector/ area.
The business is primarily advertisement and so heavily dependent on sales, based in Dublin 3. The target market would be small to medium sized businesses.

We have a tested the business model and are sure it will stand up to any scrutiny. The vast majority of the money/grant we would be looking for would be for employment purposes.
Any investor would need to know what sales you are doing, and what you are likely to do (including how strong your relationship is with the customers). Naturally the costs associated with these are important too.

As you appear to have no physical assets (eg property) any money invested is 'secured' on future earnings of the business. Generally an investor wouldn't pay you for your time / salary (as you own the company, and your reward will be increasing value of company / profits), and would invest on the basis of what the investment would be used for.

There are a number of web sites out there (and I'm sure you could use this one too) where you could outline more about your company, and seek investment / buyer.
I'm not excatly sure of the details of what happened to my mate but you could poss look up the a government web site. A mate of mine last year was onto the trade and enterprise site (government site) he got a business plan etc and ended up getting a grant. I really don't know much more that that but it saved him getting in someone he didn't know and capital.

He was a happy camper.
Hi Daffey

Did you have a business plan to start with?
Had you a budget which forecast your sales and your capital requirements?
Are you behind target?
Do you have one now?
Do you have an accountant or business advisor?

Check out the Key Posts especially, the links to [broken link removed]

If you have gone into business with fellow engineers, then you need a financial or business person on board. Check out Business who may be useful to you.

The [broken link removed] is on in the RDS this weekend

The Business Angel Partnership, I've read about, seems good, you should give them a the small business show...if you can find them amid all the banks...and a gym...what are gyms doing at a biz show...the mind boggles...good luck!
The Business Angel Partnership, I've read about, seems good, you should give them a the small business show...if you can find them amid all the banks...and a gym...what are gyms doing at a biz show...the mind boggles...good luck!

You can check out their web site

I have a profile for my own business on it to try and get an investor. I have had a rely to my profile on it but does not seem like anyone want to invest in a Landscaping business (even though I recon it will be one of the biggest markets in the next 5 years).

Anyway, hope you get what you need, If I had it I would give it to you. Lots to be made in that business, every business needs marketing and advertising. Might give you a shout myself. PM me your details.