Selling Limoge china dinner service.


Registered User
Hi All,

I have a large Limoge dinner set from the 1920s that I would like to sell - can anyone recommend a good dealer or point me in the right direction?

Why not eBay it if you have a amount that you wish to obtain for it....set the reserve price..

ninsaga said:
Why not eBay it if you have a amount that you wish to obtain for it....set the reserve price..


Thanks Ninsaga, I would like to try and get an idea of what (if anything) the set might be worth first.
You could approach an auctioneer (Yellow Pages), but I'd be wary of the valuation they might offer. Perhaps specify that it's for insurance purposes, and that you're not interested in selling?
Try looking at some of the BBC (and maybe C4/UTV) websites for programs like Flog It, Antiques Roadshow, Cash in your Attic etc. - they may have details of prices things have sold for or valuations given which could give you an idea of what to expect (bearing in mind that would be in the UK). Or see if anyone else is selling something similar on Ebay. My dad used to have an antiques guide, think it was called Miller and is republished every year or so - you could check your library for a copy of a recent one also.