Selling house - to tarmac or not


Registered User
We are probably going to put our current house on the market in the new year due to a change of job. Its worth 400k+ I hope!. I had a guy booked to put down tarmac and drains costing 9k before the possibility of moving came up. Should I go ahead with it? Assuming we do sell will I get my money back? Will tarmac give the property a finished look which might appeal to buyers and ensure we get the most out of the sale or is it just a waste of money?

IMHO it would be waste of money unless the driveway is in a very sad state. Buyers have their own preferences so better to drop price and save yourself the hassle and expenditure.
Agree with Sue (hi Sue ) that potential buyers would have their own preferences which you would limit by going ahead with tarmac.
Think you should run that by your EA. IMO think many people want either a totally finished house or a wreck to do up. You might also find , given the way the housing market is at the moment, that potential buyers might want to deduct the cost of unfinished work from their offer. Would putting down gravel be any cheaper ?

tarmac is a very cold impersonal material.. if your dwelling is rural of even sub-urban on a lager site, a gravel finish is becoming more popular...

and remember, tarmac is impermeable, so if you tarmac the drive you then have to fit a proper drainage system to disposed of the surface water... a gravel system doesnt need this.
Really depends what is there at present. If it's just bare ground then personally I would expect to see some sort of surfacing for 400K.
I would leave as is.

If you must pave than I would look at other options such as gravel. A tarmac finish is a little dated looking.