Selling House - Need Solicitor


Registered User
I have a buyer for property, and am looking to get a solicitor.

The property is in Galway, I am based in Dublin.

1. Has anyone got recomendations?? , costs are a priority presently. Property will sell for well below 100K. Maybe working on percentage of sale ?

2. Would it be better to get solicitor in Galway (easy access for buyers solicitors), or Dublin (Easy access for me).

3. I have deeds, is there information that would be helpful for me to know regarding selling house. What are the average set fees, additional costs ...
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you are probably better to get a solicitor near yourself, as you will have to go to their office to sign contracts, etc.
if you are looking for a solicitor in Galway, I know my brother uses a guy called James Glynn in Tuam and is very happy with him.
I used Stacks solicitors in Maynooth for a few transactions in Dublin a few years ago - very happy with them too.

I dont have any connection with the above, other than being a customer.

Edit: I cant remember the fees, but I think it was somewhere around 800/1000 euros that I paid for each transaction (buying one property, selling another).
As the other poster says, you have to sign documents, so a Dublin solicitor would be more convenient perhaps.
yes get a solicitor where you live , i asked my solicitor how much it would he said 700 plus vat would work out at 1,000 , so ask you solicitor how much some are a lot more ask around ,,