Selling house - how much for solicitor fees?


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Hi in process of selling house - will probably get somewhere in the region of 360-380K (who knows !).. anyhow - what would be a reasonable quote from a solicitor.. I have one quote for 1500 + VAT + costs (approx 300 euro). Dealt with the company before & v. happy with them but have not dealt with this particular solicitor.. Does this seem reasonable quote? (if not the cheapest i don't mind too much as long as it's not grossly above the going rate). Any one else sold recently? Please note, no purchase involved.
€1,500 plus VAT and outlays sounds fairly reasonable. I know it seems to be a standard fee that a lot of solicitor's firms charge. You might still get cheaper by shopping around a lot though. Fees being the same its mainly about whether you trust the solicitor.
Sounds reasonable to me.

Fees were 1% before the housing boom and are likely to start creeping back to between .5% and 1% as the rate of activity decreases.
Great thanks. I've dealt with another solicitor there but she has since left. I was v. happy with the work that she did and the other staff were v. competent in getting back on any queries and such like. Think I'll stick with them so, as the quote appears to be reasonable. thanks for the feedback.