Selling House Co-Owed by 2 friends



Myself and my friend bought a house together 2 years ago. Awhile back she was fired from her job which caused huge stress on me as i didn't know what was going to happen with our mortgage repayments. She got sorted in the end but now shes pregnant and intends to move baby and potentially boyfriend into the house. At this stage I just want out. What can I do? Ideally either she should buy me out, I buy her out or else we sell the house (which we'd loose money on as paid through the roof). I don't care at this stage if i loose money I just want out of the whole situation but she refuses all options saying she has a right to move the baby in as she owns half the house. Anyone have any advice - i know I need to go to a solicitor but any heads up would be greatly appreciated. Can I make her sell the house even if she doesn't want to?
Ah lads!

You obviously know yourself that you should have had some form of Agreement to regulate what was to happen in such an event.

In the absence of the agreement, you either have to now reach an agreement that suits everyone or else, yes, you can issue proceedings for Partition and Sale.

Far better to reach agreement if it is possible.

I bought a house recently with a family member and we have a co-ownership agreement in place. It basically states that if one person wants out of the house then the first option is the other person can buy them out. If this is not possible then the house has to be put up for sale. At the time you both bought the house your solicitor should have advised you to put such an agreement in place.

I don't think it very fair that she wants to move her boyfriend and baby into your joint house without your agreement. Obviously when buying with a friend circumstances will change as time goes on and that is why its important to discuss this at the beginning. You need to contact your solicitor and ask if a co-ownership agreement is in place and also talk to your friend to try and sort this out.