Selling Car Privately - Can't find Vehicle Registration Cert?


Registered User
Help - I've arranged to sell my car privately, the buyer is due to pay & take the car tomorrow night....but I can't find the Vehicle Registration Certificate anywhere...

Must I postpone the sale of the car while applying & waiting for a replacement VRC form?

Any idea how long this process takes?

u could apply for another and then put in the deatils of the new owner, AFAIK
I had that problem a last year selling a bike.

You have to fill out a declaration that it's lost and get the Gardai to stamp it. Then you can apply for a replacement, but it will take about 2-3 weeks to get.
Thank God! The panic is over, after hours of searching every nook & cranny I finally found it, just as I was giving up!!!
Just hope the buyer turns up now.

Thanks so much for the advice everyone!
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