Selling Car on Buy & Sell Online - UK Numbers Replying


Registered User
I stuck my ad up on Buy & Sell online. The first two responses (via email) were from the UK (based off the contact numbers) & were pretty vague.

1. What is your last Offer...OK
2. hello,am ready to buy the car if it is still available for sale,kindly get
back to me with the final selling price.

I'm living in Oz & have left my parents to sell the car - the contact numbers are theirs. Is there any kind of scam on the go that I (others) should be aware of?
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Cars on the resale market are far cheaper in the UK than here in Ireland.
There is a denial of logic that someone in the UK would seek to buy an Irish car for that reason alone. Doesn't stack up.
But there are a number of scams operated by people who contact persons offering cars for sale and they can be very plausible.
There are good descriptions of these scams elsewhere on this forum.
Be very cautious.
Looks like a scam to me

Both replies were along the same lines........

Thanks for the reply. I am okay with the conditions of the car as ,I want you to know that i am from UK but i have a client who will be making out the payment to you on my behalf,and the payment will be by bank draft drawn from Irish bank which will clear in your bank, so if you are ok with this(as thats the ONLY POSSIBLE MEANS thats i can afford to give you your money) then get back to me with your details needed for issuing out the draft to you:

Your full name:
Your full address:
Phone Number:

As regards the shipping,this will be handle by a shipping company once you must have received your money then i will instruct them to come to your location for the pickup..i do hope this is clear with you and i will be expecting your reply.
Looks like a scam to me as well.
Far safer to say that you do not deal with buyers outside Ireland.
It's a scam...

Bank draft for the car will arrive ... oh no it's for too much , send my back the balance by western union once it clears .... draft clears , you send money.. draft is found to be stolen a few weeks later and money taken for your account....