Selling apt privately but on with EA


Registered User
Hi, just wanted to check something. We have an apt for sale advertised with EA. I called about 3 weeks ago to take it off market as no offers or viewings for that matter! We were planning on renting it out.

EA was not available and was to call me back but he didnt and i didnt call him again as i was confirming some details about renting (previous posts of mine on here re offsetting interest on mortgage against rental income, which would have made it unfeasable, all sorted now).

Last week my parents were talking to the son of a friend who said he might be interested in renting it. As it turned out the father contacted my parents a few days ago and said he might be interested in buying it if it was for sale.
Now it may come to nothing but im wondering should he buy it, would we be liable to EA for commission.
I understand i should direct the man to the EA and deal with them but i had already decided to take it off the market and also it was not their advertising, etc that prompted his interest.
The EA may be entitled to charge for any expenses incurred to date working on your behalf. Is there a contract? If not and they present you with a bill then negotiate over it as you see fit.
You could write to the EA saying taking property off market and ask for bill for advertising and other costs which I would imagine you are liable for.
Thanks for that, i rang yesterday and took it off. He said no problem didnt even try to dissuade me. I asked him to send me a bill for advertising, etc.
Is that a good or a bad thing?

Definitly a bad thing, i was shocked to be honest he didnt even try and keep the business. His attitude was well nothing is selling so its no loss, and this coming from the owner's son !!!
And if he was to plead to keep it would you be saying 'if he worked as hard trying to sell it as to not lose it i would have been happy' Its a bit of a lose lose situation.