We are living. It is an old house that we were gifted from an elderly relative, who is incapacitated(in exchange for a right of residence). The house is now wholly unsuitable for our needs despite a major renovation at the time, any new adaptations would cost at least 100k. My wife needs to give up work because she has health issues, therefore we cant afford a bigger mortgage. As the house also has land holdings my solution is to sell the house and the land and buy a house more suitable to our needs. There are very sound economic and personal reasons why we cant just sell the land seperately . In any event to make a long story short we are likely to encounter resistance to the sale from our elderly relative who has a right of residency.
Can our relative block the sale of the house even though we would be offering a similar right of residence in our new house?
If we went against their wishes there would be a temporary back lash but I think a few weeks in a properly designed and laid out house would solve that problem along with the value of a mortgage free existence..
Also what would be the tax implications of the sale of the house and land?
Can our relative block the sale of the house even though we would be offering a similar right of residence in our new house?
If we went against their wishes there would be a temporary back lash but I think a few weeks in a properly designed and laid out house would solve that problem along with the value of a mortgage free existence..
Also what would be the tax implications of the sale of the house and land?