Selling a car



The guide on buying a car is fantastic. I want to buy a bigger car but before I buy I need to sell mine!

I'm the 3rd owner of the car (2000 reg) . I haven't kept note of works carried out on the car - don't have a clear service history. I have a receipt for a major work carried out last year (on engine) but that's all apart from minor works. It's been fully serviced recently as AFAIK is good for sale, has recent NCT etc.

My major worry is if I sell it privately through one of the sites listed here and if the purchaser isn't happy with it after a period of time will they bang on my door looking for a refund, and what then?

Also if a viewer comes to inspect the car should it be at my home?
What should I expect?

Tks for any input.
Selling a car privately is buyer beware, you are not giving a waranty it is up to potential buyer to havea good look at the car.

I wouldn't be worried about brining people to my home unless you are expecting some crime lord to arrive.

2000 car is not going to be huge money poeple in Ireland tend not to worry so much about service history especially on a car of this age so I would be too worried about that.

be sensible on the pricee people tend to want the top end and are unreallistic. and waste time and money on ads with an overpirced car.

Good luck expect a fair few timee waster phone calls mind..
Don't waste big money on advertising your best bet is to advertise locally i.e. Tesco, Supervalue, work notice boards etc as its free and the value of the car probably doesn't justify expensive notices.

Aim towards the first ime buyer or second run around car type market. A 2000 car is 10 years old in a few months and it sounds like it has a decent bit of work done so this has to be considered in the price or it will remain sitting in the drive gathering cobwebs.

Check out the car websites to get an idea of it current value if unsure. Be willing to bargain with genuine buyers
Sold my last car on priced it well and got a lot of people calling