Seller's solicitor unresponsive


Registered User
Hi, I'm purchasing a one-bedroom apartment through an estate agent. The offer has been accepted and I've got a solicitor. I've fulfilled all the documentation required by my solicitor, and I was notified over two weeks ago that the seller had sent over their paperwork to their solicitor.

My solicitor anticipated receipt of the draft contract on the 6th of September, but since then we have heard absolutely nothing from the seller's solicitor, although the seller confirms they sent their paperwork that week.

Is this normal? Really all I'm looking for is acknowledgement from the vendor's solicitor that they've received the seller's documentation and give a rough estimate for sending out the contract.

The offer was accepted in mid-August and there have been no other problems, in fact my mortgage lender has already completed a satisfactory survey. But I am growing increasingly worried that my predicted completion date of late November / mid-December could be a problem if there are delays for such simple things.

Am I right to be concerned or is this just the way the cookie crumbles? Based on the above (let me know if you need more info), is my prediction for completion accurate? I'd like to hear your own experiences with a similar purchase.
Tell your solicitor to impose a closing date or you'll walk away (and you must be prepared to do so) or else they'll keep dragging it along.
Hi, I'm purchasing a one-bedroom apartment through an estate agent. and I was notified over two weeks ago that the seller had sent over their paperwork to their solicitor.


Why is your completion date so important, as in why put yourself under pressure. Does the vendor have a mortgage, and does he owe more than the mortgage and therefore does he need the permission of his bank to sell, that would be the case for a lot of apartments. Have you asked the auctioneer this?

Why are you buying a one bed, I realise you didn't ask this question so no need to answer if you don't want to.
Thanks for your replies.

I was just very set on moving before the end of the year as many people had told me it shouldn't take more than 3-4 months considering no onward chain, vendor owns the property in full, no problems with the application, offer swiftly accepted in mid-August.

Actually since writing I've made a number of phonecalls and the contracts are now going over to my solicitor today.

I guess more than anything it's nice to have a rough idea as I am moving out of shared accomodation and need to give notice. I suppose once the contracts are agreed and signed, it shouldn't be long now?
I suppose once the contracts are agreed and signed, it shouldn't be long now?

As I previously said, don't do this to yourself, if you get in before xmas it's great, and it's great too if it's after xmas.

Could you tell me the sq ft of the apartment, rough idea of location and price? And more importantly why a one bed is a good idea? If this is your first purchase your age would also be interesting.