Sell 06 - get two 00's?


Registered User
Hi all,

I wonder if someone could offer me some info! My partners engine has gone is his car, it would be no point putting money into the car to fix however as it is not worth anything!
Thinking of trading in my '06 Peogeot for two 00 cars. Not mad about my car anyway! Is this a good idea?
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Would there be any significant impact on total cost of ownership - e.g. tax, insurance, running costs etc.?
How much is you're car worth?

If the above had not happended to your partner how much longer would you have held onto your car?
My car is worth €12,500. Cause of getting the car on finance I think it was working out at €14,000 or more with interest. Maybe it might be a good idea if we did do this as we have just also bought a house, and I seem to be putting €50 in my car a week and not doing much mileage!
Just not really sure, I was thinking it was a good idea, just would like to know what ye're views on the matter would be...
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It all depends on what you need the cars for. Do both of you do small mileage? Have you a good relationship with a local garage who might find it easy to sell your car and have two good value old cars in stock. I did it once, handed back a new car and did a deal for two older cars. Financially it was better for us at the time and the cars lasted for years. It's one of those situations that depends on what the car is worth, how much you owe on it and what is available. Look up the car websites to get an idea of market values and then hit the dealers.
Could one of you get a bike? It might just be the shove you need...(assuming you don't live in Meath and work in Dublin :)) One fill of petrol in a car almost pays for a bike these days...