Self employed jobseeker benefit


Registered User
I've been a self employed sole trader paying A class stamps for 15 years. My business bookings have gradually declined to zero bookings. Am I eligible for temporary jobseekers benefit?. If I upload my accounts they show money, however I will owe this in tax for last year. Do I need to de-register as self employed? Can I apply through mygovID app or do I need to apply in person at Intreo centre? One option would be to upskill and apply for a post grad, however I have to be unemployed for a few months before being eligible for BTEA. Or, are there any other transition allowances going from self employed? Or programmes that would include upskilling with A.I and business mentoring? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
If you are paying class A Prsi you are a PAYE employee and would be eligible for Jobseekers Benefit.

If you are self employed you should be class S Prsi.

You apply online through mywelfare.
Out of work payments section.

You need to have suffered a loss of employment, so you would need to cease the employment.
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You need to have suffered a loss of employment, so you would need to cease the employment.
I don't know if it's relevant here but just in case...
Thank you S class and Clubman. It looks like I've enough A class stamps (you need 104). I will go ahead with the application via mygov app and see how it goes.
How were you paying class A as a sole trader ?

When the form 11 is filled , it's class S

"People who pay Class S include:

Professional people (for example, doctors, dentists, and solicitors)
Certain company directors
People in business on their own (sole traders)
or in partnerships
People with income from investments, rents, or maintenance payments
Certain artists and childminders who are exempt from income tax

Id recommend getting your statement
