Self Employed & Contributory Pension/

Meath Lady

Registered User
Hubby will be 61 in December. We have just got his record of social welfare contributions. He was employed in the small family business from age 16 ish since about 1972.
His record only shows contributions since 1987/88 and he has full contributions since then so he will have thirty years contributions at the end of this year. I know something happened with self employed people and social welfare around that time. Should I be looking to check his records from before 1988 as I know he paid taxes before 1988 but would like advice on this. Why did they only show the record from 1988. Any ideas?
If the new proposed system came into operation before he will be 66 in 2022 will his 30 years contributions plus the next few years contributions suffice.
There may be many reasons why there were no contributions (or no record of same) in the early years.

Perhaps it may be a good idea to accept the record as it is. It is unlikely that you will improve it by further research
The PRSI record shows the years that such contributions were paid. This is different to paying Income Tax. But if he was employed and paying Income Tax then the Employer should have paid PRSI as well ( but maybe they just did not- incorrectly). If however the official record only shows PRSI contributions starting in 1988 then under current rules his “totals and averages”will only start from 1988, thus giving a better result (better average) than if they started the average from 1972.
It is unclear if the proposed change in 2020 will proceed, which would require a total of 30 years contributions to qualify for the full State Pension.
But the OP said he was “employed” in a family business since 1972?
If the period 1972 to 1988 was as a “self employed”, then he is probably better off in terms of State Pension.
Thanks all. Yea I know PRSI for the self employed either started or changed in 1988 but presumed everyone that was self employed paid some social welfare contribution before then. He worked with his dad and brother. Small family business so was in fact an employee of his fathers until 1984 when his dad passed away but not sure how it was recorded for Social Welfare ie as an employee or self employed. I remember he definitely paid some health levy contribution back then. Maybe best leave well enough alone and will find out in 2023 what entitlements he has. Thanks again everyone
On another note. He has six years left to his pension, is a manual worker with high blood pressure, a stent fitted and has had a heart attack a few years ago. The guy he contracts to is ten years his senior so maybe he wont still have employment in the coming years. Do you have to earn a certain amount before you are eligible to pay prsi and if you didn't earn enough would the best option be voluntary contributions. My main interest is to ensure his pension entitlements continue.
We do pay PRSi on Rental income but this is not classed for pension purposes as is considered unearned income.