Just a quick note to advise my current situation with Envirocare who are meant to be Klargester in Ireland. My tank has been giving problems for years and packed up and after months and years of hasstle with the system (in house before I moved in), they arrived in May to inspect the problem and quickly advised that they would repair the fault. Previously refused to look at system as it was sold before Kingspan boughts the Irish rights. After months of promises and the engineer was capable of fixing the problems and after three times of having the tank cleared they refused to do the job. My own team will now do the job, but as for parts -- from Envirocare not a chance after waiting months despite all the promises in the world. Yesterday I contacted Klargester in the UK who have nothing to do with Envirocare or Kingspan and I ordered the parts and paid for them and should be with me on Monday morning. Basically if you want a Klargester Perculating system, try them in the UK and they have an agent in this country who has no ties with the other messers.