Self Build - Site insurance


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Is it mandatory to get site insurance when doing a direct labour self build ?
It is if you are not hiring a builder who has el and pl insurance, and your always covered just in case. A lot of the smaller guys may not have this and to save you trying to chase up there paperwork and insurances i would recommend you take uot your own!
its optional but if sopmebody gets hurt on site you are liable. Even Joe public comes on site for a snoop around and has an accident they can claim against you. I got a policy from FBD for 18 months for my self build and it cost me €1800. this covers everything even if material is stolen off site or equipment is nicked.
You can get public liability on its own for around 650€ from Zurich Ins through a broker as ive established recently. Your builder will have to have cover for everything else in that case. If you are borrowing funds for self build, the bank will require both in place as far as I can see, before releasing funds..
I think its a good idea to get it. I remember ( vaguely) watching a couple talk about it on TV (about the house i think). A fire broke out half way through the project and razed the structure & a good chunk of materials. They were lucky they had insurance to cover it.
Also protection against injury claims would be enough of justification to take out a policy.
By definition a 'direct labour self build' will not have a 'builder' engaged. the client has to take the role as contractor / project manager and must provide insurances to cover themselves, regardless if the trades persons coming on site have their own insurance.
how does this work if you have a tradesman coming to your house to do work for a couple of hours ?

If he falls and breaks his leg, where does the liability fall ?

I have home and contents insurance but I don't remember if this included PL ins.
how does this work if you have a tradesman coming to your house to do work for a couple of hours ?

If he falls and breaks his leg, where does the liability fall ?

I have home and contents insurance but I don't remember if this included PL ins.

the liability falls with you as the contractor.... you need to provide a safe working site in accordance with health and safety regulations. Home and contents is completely seperate from site insurance.
Just to reinforce what Syd and others have said - you would be very well advised to have this cover in place. Not only are you responsible for public and employers liability you are also responsible for defining the Health and Safety policy on site.

This is a specific type of insurance unconnected with a standard contents and buildings policy - the latter will only be available once the house is "substantially complete" - i.e. you have your completion cert. One thing to watch is that you usually have to take out these policies BEFORE YOU START BUILDING - cost is usually c. €1/sq.ft. Our is from Hibernian/Aviva and covers Public Liability, Employer's Liability and Loss/Damage.

Another thing to note is that even if a tradesman has their own insurance there's nothing to say they can't fall off YOUR scaffolding and hold you responsible.

It is if you are not hiring a builder who has el and pl insurance, and your always covered just in case. A lot of the smaller guys may not have this and to save you trying to chase up there paperwork and insurances i would recommend you take uot your own!
Will be starting a full refurb (including roof) in March. Just myself and a helper. Approx 12 weeks in all. Any ideas as to how much the insurance will cost. It's a standard double-fronted, two storey, out-of-town house. All advice appreciated.
The €1 per sq/ft estimate is not strictly true, as insurers also take into account the estimated build and finishing costs, which could push this figure up.
