Self Build Insurance


Registered User
Any1 got any recent quotes for self build insurance? Just looking to get idea of cost!
I am getting it as I would feel more secure having it but just wondering do the banks insist on having it or is it your choice? just that I know some friends not planning on taking it out!
I wouldnt take the risk if I were you. What would you do if several thousand euro worth of materials were stolen from the site overnight, you would have no public liability cover and you could have the house half up and one of those deadly storms blow in and flatten it :confused: Try or do a search on here for other insurers that specialise in self build.
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Bank may not insist on it, they will 'building in course of construction cover' which is not the same as self build insurance. I would not chance it either, I wouldn't be so worried about stuff being stolen as I'd say it's hard to get that covered anyway but the public liability side of it is very important. Have dealt with a case where a worker was seriously injured on site and owner/employer was sued.
Thanks, no I am defo getting its I was just wondering had people a ballpark of price and do the banks insist on it as I was telling my friends to get it but they said banks said nothing to them about it!
Thanks I will look at frostinsurance
I've got quotes of 1200/1800 for 12mth/18th this sound about right?
Just an update for anyone interested got 18mth for €1170 from an insurance company in wicklow! they were cheapest of about 6/8 I tried.