As a follow up question, we may look to purchase some cladding, steel and other materials, etc directly from the UK.
As we are not registered for Irish VAT, if we purchase direct we will suffer UK VAT and cannot recover this cost.
If the goods acquired exceed €41k in a year (which could be likely), we will be required to register for Irish VAT and self account for Irish VAT on these purchases. In this scenario, as we do not make taxable supplies, we will be unable to claim a corresponding input credit in respect of the VAT incurred? Is this correct? Or would it be VAT neutral on the self account basis?
Finally, if we arranged for the building contractor to purchase these materials from the UK on our behalf, they would self account for Irish VAT, and charge us VAT at 13.5% (provided the 2/3rds package rule is satisfied). Hence, we could possibly save on VAT cost here if the applicable UK VAT rate was higher than 13.5%? Again, is my understanding correct?