I am looking for advice on my financial situation, I have a mortgage and some personal debts but also have judgements against me as a guarantor.
Mortgage €110000 value of home €105000. Joint with my spouse, I am sole income. To a family with 2 children.
Judgement €53000 to bank as a guarantor. Bank secured Jm on this paying €120pm
Judgement €10400 to finance company as a guarantor paying €60pm
Judgement €9000 to finance company as a guarantor paying €60pm
Credit card debt €5100 paying €150pm
2nd card debt €3500 no current payment
My income is €3510 after tax.
No savings.
Each month is a challenge to break even and a limp to payday, could I apply for a DSA?
Any advice would be appreciated!
I am looking for advice on my financial situation, I have a mortgage and some personal debts but also have judgements against me as a guarantor.
Mortgage €110000 value of home €105000. Joint with my spouse, I am sole income. To a family with 2 children.
Judgement €53000 to bank as a guarantor. Bank secured Jm on this paying €120pm
Judgement €10400 to finance company as a guarantor paying €60pm
Judgement €9000 to finance company as a guarantor paying €60pm
Credit card debt €5100 paying €150pm
2nd card debt €3500 no current payment
My income is €3510 after tax.
No savings.
Each month is a challenge to break even and a limp to payday, could I apply for a DSA?
Any advice would be appreciated!