

Registered User
I just tried to buy a PC online from Dell.

Before I was allowed pay, I was being forced to sign up to a MBNA/DELL Securecode agreement. I couldn't purchase without it. On a cursory examination it seemed to me to have a lot in common with the chip and pin on laser cards.

You are responsible for keeping your securcode number etc secret.

I don't trust computers. I'm afraid that there could be some software hidden on any pc that I use, that could send all the key strokes that I have typed back to a scammer, who would then have my codes and be able to order goods without my permission.

As I said it seems to me to be a repeat of what happened with the chip and pin. Over on the BBC, I have seen programmes wher the bank wouldn't refund money to people whose pin number had been used in a purchase or making a cash withdrawal and accused the victim of being complicit in the crime.

Anyway, in the end, rather than signing up to their terms and conditions I rang them up and ordeered the PC over the phone.

Anyone any experience of securecode.

MasterCard's SecureCode (and Verified by Visa) are becoming mandatory for online merchants. Dell (and your issuer MBNA) don't have a choice but to offer it to you when you buy online. Eventually you'll need to sign up to make any purchases online.

I'm not convinced it makes thing more secure, for the cardholder. It could arguably make things less secure if, as you suggest, a rogue site or trojan gets hold of your SecureCode passphrase, as it will be more difficult for you to convince your bank that fraud has taken place. The problem is you don't really have a choice but to use it for online purchases.
Does Securecode allow you to paste into the pin box? If so you could type random numbers into another area/document and cut and paste your particular characters into the box. The other option would be to randomly type in a lot of extra characters and move the cursor back to delete those you don't need.