Section 73 Investment Savings Plan


Registered User

I am seeking information on a Section 73 Investment Savings Policy:

a.) Which Insurance Companies offer these?
b.) Does it cost more to set up and also in fund management fees than the normal Investment Savings Policies offered from these insurance companies?
c.) Can this Policy be a joint policy?
d.) If it can be a joint policy, does it lose the benefits of the Section 73, if one of the joint policy holders dies before the policy has been held for 8 years?

Any help on this topic is very much appreciated.
Some info from (ILAC) and SLAC (I think they're the only two players) & this answers c.) & d)

It shouldn't cost more that a regular savings plan to set up but you'd probably be better off finding a discount broker and pay them a fee to execute the transaction as contributions can be substantial.

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