secondary schools in ireland


Registered User
just wondering if there are any websites where you can read reviews on secondary schools in ireland. Was thinking about sending my son to the abbey school in tipperary town and want to find out about the school.
as i am new to the area. even reviews from past pupils

i would be very grateful for any feedback

Hi, I can't find any websites with reviews.
There are websites but all the schools have 0 reviews?!

I had a look at your proposed school

Looks a lot like a prison from the outside doesn't it?!..
But from reading the facilities etc.. it seems like a good school.

Have you spoken to local people about it?
Don't be shy to ask them questions.. no one will know better than them.
If you would like to know , what some past pupils think of some teachers , click here :

[broken link removed]
thanks very much. had a look at the rate my teachers and most of the teachers didn't rate that bad at all. I know it looks like a prison, maybe thats not a bad thing. i think its a good school for discipline. will ask around. thanks to all again
This lack of transparency in school and teacher performance is a real issue in Ireland. It means that parents and taxpayers have no objective means of judging the quality of teaching.

Anytime some form of performance measurement is raised, it gets knocked back by the teachers unions. None of the main political parties have the neck to stand up to them on behalf of the parents.

I had a huge problem with a teacher correcting my son's homework (math) wrong (several times)..when it was correct..
A meeting with the teacher and principle didn't result to much at all..
The principle backed the teacher 100% even though it was clear she was in the wrong.
I questioned the teachers ability and asked to see her qualifications
as she couldn't correct basic math.. I'm talking 1st class addition here!
They refused to oblige..I found it very hard to get help on the matter so concluded to correct my son's homework myself.

This is very mischevious of me but do you also correct his English spelling?
(principal not principle )

Seriously though, if you noticed it, it is likely to come up with other parents also (it would be extremely odd otherwise). Have you spoken to other parents to see if they have the same experience?
And lastly - not suggesting you can't add - but just from having had the argument with a teacher and finally having to admit I was wrong - have you had someone else check? (turns out I was adding instead of multiplying .... oops )
Ohhh very naughty!! Just because of one spelling error..I'm a thicko now right?!?!

(Nah I'm just kidding.)
Yes! lots of parents complained (to each other)but when the time came to meet with the 'PRINCIPAL' a lot of parents backed out. It was just two other parents and I in the end... Crazy that people can't/won't stand up for themselves.

As for the math correction..
There was no need to have anyone else check it as it was so basic..
4+5=...(That sort of thing)
Anything more challenging than that, and I may have sought help
I brought the homework copy..with HUGE red X's scribbled all over it, into the meeting. The 'PRINCIPAL' had a look and said the teacher was under considerable stress and mistakes were acceptable.. Now from readng that you most likely imagine the school to be a right dumping ground where kids run riot and teachers have no control. That really isn't the case...or my kids wouldn't go there!
The teacher has since left the school
Happy days then, hopefully his new teacher won't be so stressed.

As for my poor mathematics it was the signs that got me not the numbers - the addition would have been correct ... if that had been the question!!

thanks macnas
Im nun to gud wit bik words,
dint do to gud wit skoolin nether.
an i nefer cud play skrabel.
Dats why I be secratry cuz den I do de riting - u'll do all de Brack O'Bama speachs like.

I took a quick look at that Whole School Evaluation. What a load of tosh. Perhaps there are appendices available that would give more useful information, but the report itself is fairly meaningless. To give just a few random examples:

"The Abbey is an inclusive school. It welcomes, respects, and accommodates students from all socio-economic backgrounds and all ability levels.". This means nothing unless you are giving some measure for the level of inclusiveness. How can you compare this to other reports to decide which schools are more inclusive and which are less. Could they not give a few basic statistics as comparators?

"Attendance at parents’ association meetings is always high." It must have been measured then. What is the attendance rate. 50% is high. 70% is higher. What are the definitions used? High, very high and super high? Meaningless drivel. Why not give comparator figures.

"Sport features centrally, but not exclusively, in the school’s extra-curricular programme. Sporting participation and achievement are central to the Abbey traditions. Participation on the playing pitch also reflects many of the elements of the school ethos including good relationships, effective discipline and the holistic development of students. All students are encouraged to participate in sport at a level to suit their skills and interests."

Again, this is absolutely meaningless. Is there a participation rate? Is it measured? What is it?

I am sorry to be so hostile. I never before examined a Whole School Evaluation and I found the document to be immensely annoying. I am irritated that my tax money is being spent on the production of useless hagiography like this.

If the report is a summary only, and if it is underpinned by an objectively verifiable set of statistics, then I would ( I guess) have to considerably moderate this criticism.