Secondary Schools in Castleknock esp CCC


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I'm looking at a house at the moment in the castkeknock/ carpenterstown area; Does anyone have any advice on what the secondary schools are like in the area, specifically Castleknock Community College - I've heard it is a very large school that does not stream students by ability

my son goes to CCC and is very happy there. I originally was going to send him to Castleknock College. I changed to CCC as i could not find anyone who had a good word for Castleknock College. The standard of teaching is excellent. CCC last year had the highest achiever in the leaving cert. (9a1 i think).
I don't want to comment on the quality of the school as I have heard many mixed opinions....from very good to very bad (however, the majority would be verging on the average to bad spectrum) so it is rather subjective. However, there is an issue in the area as a whole as there will not be enough secondary schools to cater for the number of kids coming out of the primary schools in the next few years. There are adding in a criteria for entrance which relates to how long families have been resident in the area (see the criteria below). Your best bet is to try and talk to people who have/had kids in the school and see what they think.

Qualifications - Selection Criteria:

1. Church of Ireland and Protestant students attending Castleknock Church of Ireland National School.

Note: There are no non-fee paying Protestant schools in North-West Dublin. Consequently when the college was established, it was designated as a feeder school for Church of Ireland and Protestant children in order to protect the rights of this minority, thus ensuring that a significant number of this community could be educated together. It was also agreed that a representative of the community would be a member of the Board of Management.

2. Siblings of existing and former students and siblings of those who had applied for a place in the previous year, but were unsuccessful in acquiring a place, provided they are resident in the following parishes:
(a) Our Lady Mother of the Church (St. Brigids),
(b) St Thomas the Apostle, Laurel Lodge.
(c) St Mochtas, Porterstown.

Note: The catchment area refers to that of the parish and not a geographical or postal area.

3. Remaining applicants, resident in the above parishes listed at a, b, c.
Where the number of qualified applicants exceeds that set by the Board of Management the number of applicants from Category 3 will be chosen by reference to the length of residency of Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of the applicant, or the applicant herself/himself if over 18 years of age, within the catchment area.
Thank you both for your opinions- I seem to hear a whole shade of opinions on this from people who live locally as well! will give you some info on the addmissions procedure. It is a large school alright but it does not select on ability. They have open evenings each year after xmas.