second time buyer and mortgage relief


Registered User
I bought my first house in the U.k about 4/5 years ago and have now bought a house here (sold one in U.k) so my question is do I qualfy for 2/3 years of higher mortgage relief as it lasts for 7 years for first time buyers or do I just get the standard rate?

The date that the relief starts is the date you bought your first house, wherever that is.

So you still qualify for a couple of more years.

Of course.. if you don't volunteer the information that you had a house abroad already then...
I bought my first house in the U.k about 4/5 years ago and have now bought a house here (sold one in U.k) so my question is do I qualfy for 2/3 years of higher mortgage relief as it lasts for 7 years for first time buyers or do I just get the standard rate?
The date that the relief starts is the date you bought your first house, wherever that is.

So you still qualify for a couple of more years.
Are you sure in this case?
Of course.. if you don't volunteer the information that you had a house abroad already then...
... you would be engaging in filing an incorrect Revenue declaration and tax fraud.
It is my understanding that the rules for being a FTB for TRS purposes are different from FTB for stamp-duty purposes. You may be entitled to the higher relief. Why not check with the Revenue as they will decide at the end of the day? There is dedicated TRS number 1890 46 36 26
It is my understanding that the rules for being a FTB for TRS purposes are different from FTB for stamp-duty purposes.
Yes - they are but I thought that to initially benefit from preferential rates of owner occupier mortgage interest relief your first property purchase had to be a PPR and in this is not the case here. If this was possible the people who bought an investment property as their first property in Ireland and then bought a PPR could claim "FTB" rates of owner occupier mortgage interest relief. I didn't think that this was possible.
I bought my first house in the U.k about 4/5 years ago and have now bought a house here (sold one in U.k)

I read this as... the OP bought a PPR in the UK and has now moved to Ireland? I agree that if the OP was resident in Ireland and bought an investment property in the UK that they could not now avail of the FTB TRS rate, as they are not an FTB. Either way I think contacting the revenue is the best course of action as their documentation doesnt appear to cover this scenario [broken link removed]