


How come when I search for something nothing shows up?!

Apologies if this was already asked, but I can't search for the link(s) to it !!!!
The ezboard search function is worse than useless (roll on the move to vBulletin, Brendan...?)

If you can remember an exact, unusual phrase and/or the username of a poster on the relevant thread, you might have some luck doing an advanced Google search combining those elements and specifying that it should only return results from the site or domain ''. For example, a search for ["Dr Moriarty"] leads to a of 99+ of my own ramblings on this forum... :eek

i suspect that the moderators eg suellen who always seems to find relevant links, have access to search the raw database that holds all the posts and are not restricted to the crappy ezboard web interface
"i suspect that the moderators eg suellen who always seems to find relevant links, have access to search the raw database that holds all the posts and are not restricted to the crappy ezboard web interface"


Wrong there. Just use the plain ol' /my good memory in the same manner as everyone else.

If I can't find it there I quickly scroll down thru' the possible 20 pages of the relevant forum.


Was there something in particular you were looking for?
some large databases have a default maximum number of rows that are looked at when a query is executing. sql server for example only looks at the first 10000 unless the option
" set nocount on " is specified at the beginning of the query statement. this is to avoid accidental querying and retrievel of millions of records.
if the aam data is mixed in with all the other ezboard posts, and the search facility only looks at the most recent 10000 posts, that might explain why relatively new posts cannot be found by searching.
The search function wasn't always that bad though, I had used it before in the past. What happened?

Sueellen, nah thanks for the offer but nothing specific.