sealing a concrete base for shed


Registered User
Bought a s/steel shed and had to pour a concrete base to put it on. Have sealed around the base of the shed but base inside the shed is still damp the whole time ( water soaking in from outside through the concrete - I think). What can I use to seal the concrete. Damp proof membrane put under the base so I don't think its comming up from underneath.
how long ago was the slab poured, could still be drying out, also could be condensation maybe?
Was poured last summer. After a bit of rain the floor is soaking wet about 1-2 ft in around the edges so I'd say ii must be soaking in via the 6inch or so apron bit outside the shed. Cheers for the link sue but condensation isn't the problem.
if its not coming up from the floor the ya dont need a concrete sealer but if its coming in from from where the steel meets the concrete and theres not much of a gap then some all weather sealant or a product called "TEC 7" to seal around those joints,,try cork builders providers in togher....
Already sealed around the outside with bitumen and put a mortar seal on the inside so I cant seal the shed itself any more. Must be getting in through the concrete somehow.
It is on one side and no surprise that this is the wetter side inside the shed. Cant raise it or lower surrounding area though :[