SDCC - property path update

oh i didnt realise citywest plaza were direct sales from sdcc. thats why the builder wants to close so quickly.. their the ones waiting on the money not sdcc.
i know how you feel when you get so excited about moving and buying etc and then one thing throws everything out of kilter. try and get a break down on how the mgt company funds are going to be spent, your entitled to it as you will be a member of the management company. did you find out who the managing agents are of the complex, coz they will then employ the management company.. they are not the same people usually. it seems in the past little while 2 bed apts in the complex are being advertised for 245k
I am using the solicitor in Rathcoole and there is no way I will be ready to sign by next Friday. As I changed the apt I am buying I am still waiting on the contracts. Plus I only have loan approval in Principle. I have to get the letter from property path today to proceed with my loan application.
Have you arranged someone to do the snag yet?
Did you see the breakdown they gave for the management fees? I am not happy with it at all. One of the items listed is a contingency fund?? Why would we need a contingency fund when we are overpaying for eveything else?
Hi Ruthie-81

If the apts are being advertised for €249,000 then surely the council have overvalued them and the clawback will need to be reduced?

[broken link removed]

now maybe the apts advertised at this price are smaller and not as good finish etc so maybe worth you while getting an independant valuer?

I rang the solicitors today and told them that I would not have the money for next week and not have the snag list done and also i am not signing on for a management fee that is crazy. They said they would write to the builders solicitors and ask for it to be pushed back

The Girl in the auctioneers thought the management fee was 1800 so i rang her back and she said she never heard of this new sum and would check it out

I thought that solicitors could put things back, i mean what is the rush when all the apartments are not sold anyway??

i got a number from Lorraine from the auctioneers for a snag list but i also got a number off my mortgage broker i can send them along to you if you like, my brother is a plumber so i am going to have him floating around too
I indeed have seen a chaise lounge, there is at least one in the argos and ive seen a couple in marks and spencers... not too sure if the colours would be what your looking for tho.

Maybe you shoudl ring the auctioneers and ask/complain about the hike in management fee and also ring the solicitors and ask/complain about it

maybe the more people asking about it something might be done

i do know that after you are in the apartment you can get the residence together and employ a new managment company.
but nobody seems to think you can do anything before...
the contingency fund might be when we all riot for not getting value for money and for being ripped off

i was thinking i would be healthy and use the stairs in the apartment but if I am paying that much i think i might move a tv into the lift!!!!!
Hi Actionmags- Lorraine gave me the name of someone who looks after the snag as well but I might be using a friend of the family if he is available.
I complained to the solicitor allready last week about the management fee but I will complain again and get on to the auctioneers.
Hi Ruthie-81

I contacted Savilles and the apts they are selling at €255,000 are 707sq and the appliances are included. The appliances are not included in ours. Coincidently the council have valued the apts at €280,000. It's all so confusing!
Jeez, I really feel bad for the guys getting City West apartments, ..I hope ye get it sorted out (management fees).

Anyone dealing with IIB Homeloans; they are a stickler for details...I gave them the address of my solicitor and they wouldn't send the loan offer over to them because they never heard of the solicitors...mad or what??

My solicitor had to give my broker headed paper and an Indemnity Form of the firm to prove the solicitors actually exist.

Geez...Hopefully it will be ok now.

Re. Snags: I was told the second snag would be in October. Don't know anymore other than that.

I hope Im in for Christmas. It would be great

i got a call from the solicitors saying that you need to pay 3% by next friday, i told her that i didnt want to pay any more until there was clarification over the management fees, when i asked should i have the snag list done by then she said the builders should be in touch about the snag.... so obviously if they havent bothered being in touch regarding the snag they are going to be crappy management company.

she also said she didnt think there would be any way to argue the management fee

and just think i was intially put off with the 1800 management fee now i am more annoyed

i have heard that IIB are a bit ridiculous in fact a friend was buyt a 2 bed apartment and they said they would give a loan as long as she said she would sign something saying she would rent out both rooms, also they seem to be turning down a lot of people, i know they offered me 2 grand less than i needed.. mad or what
ACTIONMAGS Do you think you are going to pull out altogether if they don't do something about the management fee? Surely everybody else must be just as annoyed as us. I mean for me it is an extra €160 a month on top of my mortgage and that is a lot of money.
Hi Jinnyjojo

i dont know if i will pull out, but i will deffo get back onto the auctioneers i think i will also get onto proptery path, cant see how they can do anything

a friend of mine bought an affordable housing apartment and the fees were crazy and they went up 1000 in one year and the residents got together and "voted the management company off the island" and retained the services of another.

i am going to go up at the weekend and view the ones for sale privately and ask how much the management company fee is for them

are you thinking about pulling out?? it does seem like made money especially since a friend is buying a more expensive apartment and her fee is 1600 a year.

also you do you have to have the snag list done before next friday ie when you pay the res of your deposit. am confused about that
hi Jinnyjojo

I just got back onto Lorraine in TP auctioneers and she said the list that she was given was direct from the management company and my fee was 1800 and she is going to ring back and check again she can not understand where this new fee is coming from

i then rang the solicitors (i swear i do actually have work to do I am just a woman possessed) and told Jackie there about my conversation with lorraine, they are going to get onto the builders solicitors and probably lorraine to see what the story is, they got the fees from the builders solicitors.

Maybe jinnyjojo if you get onto both lorraine and Jackie in the solicitors (i seem to be having a daily conversation with the solicitors) and if we put them under pressure to sort it out.

That would be great if they reduced the fees. I mean €1800 is dear enough but I coudld live with that.
I am not sure about the snag as I am still waiting on my contracts. I don't think they should be pressurising us to get things done so quickly when other issues such as management fees need to sorted! Have the builders contacted you about a snag? I haven't heard a thing.
I am definately getting back on to the solictor about the fees. Let me know if the auctioneers come back to you!

Hi Jinnyjojo

i will let you know what they say when i got up and act as a private buyer about the management fees.

i will also keep you informed about what/if anything happens regarding the auctioneer and solicitor.

i did tell the solicitor that although i would have the rest of the 3% for the deposit i was not willing on signing anything until i had the management fees sorted out.

also my mortgage broker (who is in money matters) said she heard people sorting out with lorraine in the auctioneers about doing snags so you must just ring her (although the solicitors thought the builders would ring me regarding that)

we will keep them under pressure and get it sorted