SDCC Bin Collection options



Any advice who is best for bins in South Dublin County Council area (West Dublin). With Greyhound but they have new pricing structure from October.

Many thanks
City bin, I switched from SDCC when the business went to Greyhound. Am happy with the service from city bin. A lot of people in the estate are with them also.
I'm also with Thorntons, who I changed to some time ago due to (at the time) pricing. But one thing I hadn't anticipated is that their brown bins are much better than the (then) Dublin City Council ones.

The DCC ones have panels of ventilation holes at the bottom which are IMPOSSIBLE to clean thoroughly and after the first fill this bin was permanently whiffy. In summer it was even worse (and I keep mine in my north-facing front garden). On brown bin collection day my street was full of similar bins from my neighbours, all of them smelling like the kind of thing you don't want to have to weave through on your way to the bus-stop - which is too far away to hold your breath.

The Thorntons bins are exactly the same but without the ventilation holes. So when the lid is closed they're fairly smell-free, and they're much easier to clean with a basin of soapy water and bleach after each time they're emptied, thereby cleaning out the existing whiffiness so you can you start from "smell zero" as it were.
Hi, could you tell me what the new greyhound price structure is, I haven't received any notification from them and there doesn't seem to be any on their website