scumware and browser hijack problems ( (was help!!)



Hi all
Tried to find answer in the stickys here... but cant..

I dont know how this happened but I keep getting a pop ad thingy saying the system has detected spyware or adware etc... anyway if I try close the damn thing it brings me to this website :

Theres another little icon flashing beside where time is (Use win XP) and this says system alert and this brings me to if I try close..

Any ideas? I have a fire wall so I dont know how this crap got on.. BUT its driving me mad.

Also if I open IE, my homepage is set to Yahoo but now it keeps coming up with [broken link removed]

I aint buying this software so how do I get back to the way it was before? any help greatly appreciated.

Thanks a mill

Just to add, I installed SPYBOT - but still this crapp appears...
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anyone any ideas? I dont know who changed the title.. but hey...
Don't suppose you made a system restore point at any stage? - you could always restore to it, it might work.

I've heard of vaporware, shareware, adware, spyware, freeware etc. but I've never heard of 'scumware'.
as well as spybot, Id recommend you run crap cleaner, AVG and microsoft windows defender. Links in the clean pc sticky. Havent found anything yet that those 3 didnt get rid of.
Thanks for that. I downloaded CCleaner yesterday and ran that.. prob still exists..

Where do I get the AVG and microsoft windows defender?

I looked in sticky cant see it... Maybe I am going blind but could you point it out to me? thanks a mills
What OS are you using? As far as I know MS defender is only availiable for XP and better. You will also have to validate your copy of XP before installing - this takes several minutes.

What browser are you using? Upgrade to IE7 or better still ditch IE altogether and use firefox or opera.
If you still can't clean the disk of this problem then you might need to boot into another operating system and not the one installed on your hard disk - for example the Ultimate Boot CD or maybe even install the drive in another PC temporarily (I covered this in another thread).
I recently cleaned this off my sisters computer and had to do it manually... Boot in Safe Mode, look in c:\windows\system32 and sort the files by date....if you know exactly what date/time the problem occured then look for files created a few minutes before that....if you don't just put in the most recent ones and google the file names, if they come back as anything to do with delete them, if it won't let you delete them rename it instead (I had to rename 1 .dll) eg: whatever.dll to whatever.txt - On next reboot I was able to delete it.

There was also a program called KeyGen which may have been part of it but not 100% sure as computer was riddled with virueses and malware, but it was some piece of crap anyways

I've also just spotted [broken link removed] which looks fairly legit (I access it on a unix box just to make sure I didn't pick up any crap)