Screenclick - problems putting credit card payment through



Tried to sign up with Screenclick a few days ago but there's a problem with my credit card when I enter the details, I get the message 'an exceptional situation has arisen'. I've contacted them so I'm sure I'll hear back soon. But just wondering, I put in an address that doesn't match the address linked to my card, is that likely to be the problem? And is that generally a problem when registering for these sites - presumably they're half guessing the card has been stolen?? Current circumstances mean I'm not at my home address very often but I was reluctant to change the address for all my bank/CC stuff just yet.
Re: Screenclick - must my address match the one on my CC?

I don't think it is possible to perform that check with Irish cards/addresses. Does anyone know any better? More lightly a check digit fail or a problem with their system.

Would you have 4 or more syllables in your surname, this is used by some systems to umm... filter certain 'high risk' potential customers out...
Re: Screenclick - must my address match the one on my CC?

You don't need the same address in the Screenclick account details as in you credit card account details, or at least I don't. I use my work address for DVD delivery and my home address for credit card details.
Re: Screenclick - must my address match the one on my CC?

You don't need the same address in the Screenclick account details as in you credit card account details, or at least I don't. I use my work address for DVD delivery and my home address for credit card details.

Thanks Dave. Don't know what the problem is so, I've had no problems with the same card this week with Pixmania, Amazon, etc. Still haven't heard back from them, we'll see.
Re: Screenclick - must my address match the one on my CC?

Strange stuff, still having problems registering with Screenclick. Tried to activate my account again tonight and got this message when I re-entered my credit card details:

"Error - An exceptional situation has arisen.

Please DO NOT resubmit your payment.
Please contact Screenclick support
Your Order number is xxxxx"

When it first happened I emailed them, 10 days later rolleyes: ) or so they replied and said they couldn't understand why I was having problems, that the payment should go through. They also said there would be no problem giving an address different to the one registered with the card.

Have tried two different credit cards, both of which are working perfectly everywhere else, but I keep getting the same error message. Has anyone else had similar problems?