Screenclick DVD Gone Missing in Post!


Registered User
Hi All,

I returned a DVD to Screenclick the week before last. I had joined up as part of the 1c O2 offer. As this offer was coming to an end I emailed to say that I wanted to cancel the subscription(because of poor quality DVDs and them not dispatching the next DVD on the day the previous one was received)

They got back to say that they wouldn't cancel until the last DVD had been returned. When I went in to check my account the last DVD I had out was still out to me...In the email they said I should get proof of return of DVD from An Post when sending it back - I had never had to do this with previous DVDs.

Does anyone my rights on this? Will I ahve to pay for that DVD or pay a full subscription until it's been returned or what?


What do the Screenclick terms & conditions say about such an occurrence?

Update: ah...
i) We understand that occasionally discs are lost in the post. You agree to notify us promptly if you have not received, within five (5) working days, discs that are recorded on your "My Rental History" page as having been dispatched by us to you. Also you agree to notify us within five (5) working days of the date being posted by you, discs that are not recorded on your "My Rental History" page as having been received by us.

j) We will not hold you liable for the cost of discs lost in the post provided that you promptly complete within seven (7) working days (from the date the missing disc has been reported) forms and declarations that we may require relating to the loss of such discs. You agree that we may charge you €25 for any disc lost in the post if you do not promptly complete such forms or declarations.

Was in the same position as you - signed up to Screenclick for the O2 offer and then emailed them to say that I wouln't be continuing with the service.

When I saw the return email saying that I should get a proof of return from An Post, I thought this was unusual as I hadn't received this warning before. I thought I was being set-up for a "We never received your last DVD back" situation and given that I simply posted the DVD into a postbox, I couldn't get proof that I had posted it.

Luckily the DVD arrived some 5 days after posting. Hopefully yours is stuck in the Christmas post and will be returned soon.

I'm in a similar situation to Cyrstal having returned the DVD around 7th December and cancelled the subscription on 14th December.
I presumed the post was slow in December.
The DVD obviously did arrive at Screenclick because yesterday I received a "new" DVD...
It seems that they have moved PO box from PO Box 8615 James Street Dublin 8 to "PO Box 8615 James Street Dublin 8 Blackrock".
Maybe their change of PO address contributed to the delay...
I've emailed them to enquire as to when the most recent DVD was issued.
And what's the betting that the "first" charge will follow too?
Sharp practice? Potential "rip-off"?
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I am having desperate trouble cancelling. I sent last DVD back on 11 Dec 06. When they didn't receive it on their system on the 18 Dec 06 I contacted them to say it seemed to be lost. Now my account still isn't closed and I am afriad I am being changed for another month even though I am not receiving any DVDs as on their system I still have the last one. I recived a brisk email stating I should have got proof of postage. But I haven't as prior to the 02 offer I had cancelled and seen no mention of the necessity of proof of postage of last DVD. Woner are they trying to recoop 02 offer money?

My mother is with 02, so she gave me the coupon to signup with them after she'd been using them for a couple of weeks. Great - free DVDs for a month!

Not so great - they've whacked my Laser and are not contactable.

I'm not a happy bunny:
[broken link removed]
They done the same to me as well. I cancelled last December 2006 and they claimed a DVD was on the way to me.

It never arrived, and now I'm still being charged by them.
I rung and no answer (mailbox full) and several emails later I finally got a reply asking meto fill out an an post form and post it.

I feel if I do this (and by the time I get a reply off and post), I'm going to be charged by screenclick for another month before I can resolve this.

And whilst I'm aware of the TOS, I just can't help feeling ripped off, esp as I strongly suspect that DVD was never posted to me in the first place, especially as their move happened at the same time.

What can one do?
As an update to my original post!!! They never received the DVD - I have filled in An Post forms to say that it is missing and emailed Screenclick to state that I wanted my account closed(they charged me in January even though I had cancelled in December!!) They have said that they wouldn't charge me again - but am going to ring my bank to cancel the standing order just in case!!
Well I finally got reply from An Post after filling out form 2 months ago. They said sorry it happen but it happens rarely but and time you could use registered post. In fairness I don't blame em I reckon screenclick never had staff or resources to cope with O2 offer and it all got over their head. My account is still open with them but I haven't got charged so I guess I wasn't the only one to have their last DVD for the O2 offer mysteriously "Lost in Post" .
Well I hope that closes that chapter and I won't be using this service again I can tell ya.

On another note I see those two south county silver spooned entrepenuers(made their fortune from premimum rate prize phonelines till they were banned in England) who run screenclicks main rival are in talks with movie studios to launch a movie download service instead . This may be better than waiting for your 15th choice to arrive each week and watching all those arthouse flicks you thought you might be interested in while waiting for a blockbuster!