Scratches on car after repair


Registered User

My car was broken into two weeks ago. Drivers window was smashed and some slight scratches were left on the door and door handle. I had fully comp which covered me on this from an insurance perspective. For the repairs, I went with the insurance companies recommended list of repairers (a big dealership in this instance).

Anyhow, the window was fixed etc and works fine.

The garage did spray the door, but I can see a small dint where they just sprayed without smoothening out the dint. Also, the scratches on the door handle are still there.

Now, you would hardly notice the scratches unless looking. However, I saw the bill for the insurance company, and it seemed hefty enough to me.

Should these scratches have all been repaired or am I being a little petty?

The car was only a few months old, so I suppose this is influencing my thoughts a little. I have attached a picture of the scratches, so hopefully the scratches can be viewed.


I would assume the repair should bring the door back to factory spec, and I wouldn't view it as petty. File a complaint with the insurer, and send a copy by post.
Should be repaired fully. It should be restored back to the way it was (might need a complete door repaint).
It looks like those marks are from the shattered glass hitting door handle. I dont think there is any need to start complaining to insurance companys. Point out the marks to the garage, get their opinion and take it from there. Most likely, they will rectify the problem. As regards the small dent, if the garage was to paint the door, it would have been bad form not to repair same before painting. As regards the cost, I assume thats not your expertise, Insurance companys pay qualified engineers to assess the cost and agree a fair price.
The insurer is paying for it, not the OP. Working directly with the garage would seem like the polite way to handle it, but it could backfire if the paint job has another fault later.
I rang the garage and the guy I was dealing with said to bring the car in whenever suits and they will sort it out. He did not make an issue of it. So hopefully it is sorted this time around.

Thanks for all the responses.
I had similar marks on my door handles from someone letting their door open too far in a car park. What a lot of people do not realise is, the water based paints now used on cars are not as hard as the older solvent base paints, and scratches are inevitable