Scrapping cars: are parts recycled?


Registered User
I am thinking of availing of the car scrappage scheme, but my environmental conscience is a little troubled. The car I drive is in pretty good nick for its eleven years. If I surrender it for scrapping, it must go to an approved End of Life Vehicles facility. What I cannot find out is if all parts of the car are destroyed, or if useful components are recovered for the spare parts trade.

I'm not too worried about the value of anything that is recovered: it's just that I don't want good material go into a crusher if anybody has a use for it. So I hope that somebody here can reassure me that ELV facilities do actually save useful components for the benefit of other car owners.
If your car is in pretty good nick, is there any chance of selling it privately for a sum close to the scrappage allowance ?
If your car is in pretty good nick, is there any chance of selling it privately for a sum close to the scrappage allowance ?

I could possibly get €2500 for it, but I looking at a deal which probably gives it an effective value of about €4000, and involves no effort on my part or potential liability to a purchaser.
I could possibly get €2500 for it, but I looking at a deal which probably gives it an effective value of about €4000, and involves no effort on my part or potential liability to a purchaser.

You might find that if you haggle with the dealer you may be able to knock the €1500 or even more off the sticker price thus ending up with a greater saving.
You might find that if you haggle with the dealer you may be able to knock the €1500 or even more off the sticker price thus ending up with a greater saving.

I was reckoning about €2500 into my thinking for the discount I would have expected on a cash deal. I have been offered a car at about €6700 below sticker price.

Thank you for the suggestions, people. I don't think I will do better financially than the deal I have lined up. What I really want is to salve my conscience about scrapping a car in fairly good condition for its age.