Scottish Provident With Profit Plan


Registered User
The above was discussed here last year and in particular whether one should cash in or hold to maturity.

In my own case I have a plan that I took out in 1991 with a 28 year term. My question is if I cashed in now would I get any of the terminal bonus or just the annual bonus?

Also in general what are peoples view on these policies 12 months on?


My question is if I cashed in now would I get any of the terminal bonus or just the annual bonus?
Do the terms & conditions of your policy document not clarify?

Just curious - why did you take out such a policy on a 28 year term? Seems odd...

If you wanted to liquidate this policy would selling it on be an option?
Hi Clubman,

I cannot find the policy document and I have tried Scottish Provident on two occassions and I am still waiting for them to get back to me.

28 term I have no recollection as to why I did it for this term.

I tried TEPCO to sell the policy they were not interested.

Do you have any thoughts on whether I should cash in or leave well alone to maturity
Hi Bedlam

I had one of these with a 20 yr term, matching my mortgage term. I cashed it out in 1998, 8 years early. I received an offer from Scottish Provident which I bettered by selling it to a broker. I wish I'd kept it til 2006 but I needed the money in 1998/9. I can PM you the broker's name if you want. He was dead on and straight up.

You will not get the terminal bonus but a valuation at time of encashment. Whoever the broker sells it to gets the full value at maturity.

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You might PM the Brokers contact details to me please

