Science Friction - the nuclear debate

Ok, but did you read the quote from New Scientist regarding the true cost of Nuclear Energy?

This more accessible wiki page discusses the different types of nuclear waste, and the controversies involved in their disposal - not surprisingly no one wants it. It states that the quantity of High Level Waste is increasing by 12000 metric tonnes per year, but also talks about Intermediate level waste which is also hazardous and must be stored safely.

Personally I wouldn't have that much of a problem with nuclear energy, and would welcome Nuclear Fusion if they ever got it working, but I think that the true cost of 'traditional' fission plants has been passed on to the taxpayer and that they are really not a good answer for our current energy problems. If they are going to subsidise nuclear fission so much to make it viable, why not invest the same money to make solar or other renewable sources viable? That would make sense to me.

[EDIT] - I think I missed a couple of your links on first reading, which I have now checked out. It seems that there is a lot of propaganda and misinformation going on, with different interpretations of the same data, making it difficult to talk about real facts. My personal view is that alternative energy supplies should be explored with the same subsidies that nuclear fission plants have recieved, but I can see that Nuclear power plants are probably going to be with us for a very long time. Lets hope they are in someone else's backyard!

According to a study by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN Development Programme and the World Health Organisation the immediate death toll was 50.


So while immediate deaths are low, longer term effects are significant.
How many more Soviet era reactors are still running - surely thats a bigger risk than worrying about any new ones which might be built ? Also, nuclear powered Soviet submarines are literally rusting away in dry dock. Now, theres a disaster waiting to happen.
A nuclear reactor is a great idea! .. now where will we build one?... NIMBY!!!
An Irish solution to an Irish problem- Lets just buy it from the UK Via an interconnector.
I haven't made up my mind yet but banning the mining of plutonium by our minister for gren things is just nuts.
Nuclear Fission reactors leave nasty stuff behind, we all know this. Not much is needed to cause a catastrophic effect on a population, should it get into the wrong place/hands.

Fusion is not (currently) feasible but if and when it is, then we're laughing but we need to invent some material that can handle the immense heat generated and the magnetic fields currently proposed use more power than the reaction produces.

A proposed solution is that of concentrated solar power (CSP) with a large field of it in the Sahara which can easily supply electricity to meet the demands for Europe, The Middle East and North Africa.

Check out [broken link removed] for a more detailed explanation.
Nuclear Fission reactors leave nasty stuff behind, we all know this. Not much is needed to cause a catastrophic effect on a population, should it get into the wrong place/hands.
Sure, but if we (the world population) want to live the lifestyle the west is currently enjoying, then we are going to have to deal with issues like this. Nothing else currently has the energy density of nuclear

A proposed solution is that of concentrated solar power (CSP) with a large field of it in the Sahara which can easily supply electricity to meet the demands for Europe, The Middle East and North Africa.
I can't see many countries accept a situation where their energy supply is shipped through many other countries. Too much risk there. It can be part of a solution but not the main part.
I can't see many countries accept a situation where their energy supply is shipped through many other countries. Too much risk there. It can be part of a solution but not the main part.

Really ? And what do the huge oil and gas pipelines carry ?
Really ? And what do the huge oil and gas pipelines carry ?
Oil and gas I am guessing?

However if you are trying to infer that we get our energy from one source you are very wrong.

The EU gets it energy from very diverse sources, the largest (by far) being Norway,then Russian, and then the Middle East but are far from dependent on one source.

The US gets it's oil from Canada,Mexico,Saudi Arabia and Venezuela + others. (split almost evenly in that order)

If you are suggesting that we should now depend on an electricity grid coming from some huge solar grid in the Sahara, well that would be a "very bad idea". As I said, it could be part of a solution, but only part