Schools back and already 1/2 day

Gardai don't get four months paid holidays though.

Teachers dont get four months paid holidays either.

They're supposed to take 2-3 weeks annual leave and spend the rest of the time working full time on their lesson plans etc. for the school year. But I'm sure the vast majority do little or no work during the summer.

Teachers are in a 9 to 5 job like the rest of us. During school time, when the kids go home at 2 or 3 or whenever, they are supposed to do a couple of hours work.

I also thought that they received a benchmarking award which was conditional on them doing all non-classroom activity outside of classroom hours e.g. meeting parents, staff meetings, training etc.

Good one, so your telling me they work over mid term?
Teachers are in a 9 to 5 job like the rest of us.
When they have to be in work for 8 hours a day then they'll be working an 8 hour day. "I do it all at home, honest!" is not good enough.
Just got school schedule for days off.
The school will have 8 staff meeting's,five they are of 12 then other three of 2pm
first Sept 4th next Oct 16th next Nov18th,
Gardai might not get four months paid holidays... but then again I suppose if they wanted four months paid holidays they could have been teachers... but they didnt!
Slightly going off the original topic but my (almost) 16 year old got his JC results yesterday. He did very well and went and hung around town for a few hours after but was home before I got home from work. He went in to school today and had 2 classes cancelled as a large number of students had not turned up (due to hangovers according to the Son) Of course he was happy enough as he got a couple of free periods which he thankfully didn't waste and got most of his homework done.

So, if parents allow their children to go out getting hammered then reward them with a day off school, the teachers use this as an excuse to cancel classes and deprive other students of lessons?? Apparently the 5 or 6 of them that did turn up to the lessons were told there was no point in taking a lesson for such a small number of students. I think it's a disgraceful attitude for the teachers to take, that they can't be bothered teaching the lads who did turn up, what sort of signal is that sending out?

It will be interesting to hear what the headmaster has to say when I ring him tomorrow!