School Transport Scheme


Registered User
Hi All, apols if this questions is in the wrong forum - perhaps someone would advise me how to move if so.

I wanted to canvas opinion on something that is frustrating me. My child travels to school by bus eireann bus on the above scheme. She has done for over 3 years without a problem. I renew tickets in timely manner. However, her most recent ticket did not issue (for his term). I admit I did not notice. It was only brought to our attention by the inspector that told my child she couldn't access bus without valid ticket. Fair enough. Spoke to Bus Eireann and administrative problem was sorted immediately - was told ticket would be in post that afternoon. This was last week 12th May. Still no ticket. I have a round trip of 46 miles to take child to school, then go to work. We live half way-ish between school and work. Same 46 mile journey to collect her after school. I have done this Thursday, Friday, and yesterday. Today, due to early morning meeting I had to put her on a train and she will be 45 mins late for school and will have to leave 15 mins early.

I rang Bus Eireann again yesterday and she confirmed it had been posted . I asked due to the delay in ticket arriving if she could not fax or email me with some confirmation that my child had a valid ticket. She said no, that unless the child had the actual ticket in her hand on the bus, she is not insured to travel on same. This is where I have a question (finally).

Does this sound reasonable given the inconvenience and cost implications here? Are there other circumstances where unless one has a hard copy confirming insurance, then one is not insured? This is not the case for any other insurance that I am aware? Driving a car or pet or life assurance (ie if you die without the letter confirming insurance clasped in your hand, then you are not covered) either. The 24/7 school insurance doesn't operate in this manner either. I know one could lie in this instance and say there was a ticket when there wasn't but surely a faxed/emailed communication from bus eireann confirming valid ticket would suffice?

Thanks for any comments....

The reason of insurance is a load of gibb. There are only 2 sets of vehicles in the rep of Ireland that do not have to have insurance, they are the garda and any CIE vehicle, bus eireann, Dublin bus, Irish rail, I included Irish rail as the revenue protection unit drive around In ford focus cars with no insurance disk, Cie are liable for any claims that are put to them, so insurance reason is a load of bull
Thanks for your reply and very interesting. It would seem that the only reason for not allowing children on bus without ticket is to ensure that they do have valid ticket by displaying same. Which is entirely reasonable.

But in this case, she has a valid ticket, she just cannot display it yet so why isn't the driver allowed to accept confirmation that she has one and allow her access?? Rhetorical.

No State owned vehicle has insurance - covered under the State carries its own insurance provisions.
Thanks again both but Csirl - the scheme is operated by bus eireann but the vehicle is a (red) 20 seater or similar, not actually a 'bus' per se. no bus eireann logo or anything....and is driven by a private contractor, paid by bus eireann...inspected by bus eireann inspectors... that the same thing, would you think?