School Reunion

Back from TF, slightly tired, a little dehydrated but a thoroughly enjoyable w/e. Already, initial plans have been mooted for next one in Cork in 2110. It sounds like this particular class is fairly unique ......... judging by other posters. And everybody's voice improves with age. Or is may be my hearing! American Pie as the sun was coming up really put it up to the dawn chorous
Already, initial plans have been mooted for next one in Cork in 2110. It sounds like this particular class is fairly unique .........

If your class are arranging a reunion for 102 years from now, then your class is truly unique!!
Thanks gipimann for drawing this little slip of the left pinkeen to my attention. It should, of course, have been 2010. Also sorry to any young Corkonians who had read this and had started to worry about their unborn great, great grandchildren who may be living in Cork city then
Thinking about it, I'd actually love to hear some of my old teachers tell me what they thought of me when I was in school, I think I've changed a bit!

Don't take this the wrong way but most teachers will not remember their student from 21 years ago! I remeber a few years ago being a friends 21st birthday party. It was a joint birthday as it was also his mother 50th. She was a teacher at our school so most of our old teachers were there. After only being 3 years out of school, the teachers hardly remembered any of us! I think people kinda forget that while they have only a few teachers, each teacher has probably up to 30 students in each class, every year. Only a small few will make any lasting impression on them!

As to the OPs question. I just keep thinking about the film Grosse Point Blank with John Cusack. Your not now working as a hitman are you?

Sometimes this can depend on the teacher. I remember being out for dinner with a headmaster and him bumping into a pupil he had 10 years previously and recognising her. He worked in one of the large schools with 1,000 odd pupils. He said that he generally doesnt remember the individuals names, but he always recognised them and knows what family they come from - most kids would have had sibblings in the school.
Do you mean the scene with the apple tart?
Hey Clubman! Thank you for getting me to ask a film-wise friend to extrapolate. I have not seen the movie but in future when ordering Apple Pie with Clotted Cream I'll be having a close inspection first. I'm also seeing American luminaries like George Bush Jr, Hunter S Thompson and Charles Manson in a more understanding light.
I went to my 20th last year, dreaded it but a couple of us decided to give it a craic. Great great night I have to say, ok full of nostalga and some people bsing, but overall it was very enjoyable. it was a boarding school one as well, so peole came from far and wide

What I really founfdfascinating was how the "gangs" almost reassemebled automatically, with the guys who used be up the loos smoking ending up there. Also amazing how people you could guess would drink their live away and end up in dead end jobs with no prospects actually ended up dling just that, and those with a bit of get up and go in them actually made something of their lives

Which group do you fall into?