Scappage scheme rules re scrapping wife's car?


Registered User
I'm wondering if I could avail of the scrappage scheme by scrapping a car that is in my wife's name against a new car that would be in my name. Revenue's [broken link removed] seems to be contradictory in this regard. Anyone here done this and/or have a definitive answer?

Two snippets from the Revenue FAQ

The car being scrapped:

  • must be registered in the State in the name of the registered owner of the new car for at least 18 months immediately prior to the date of scrappage;
. . seems to contradict this:

My wife has an old car. I want to buy a new one, give her my old car and scrap hers. Am I eligible?

Yes, if the scrapped vehicle and new vehicle are registered in either your name or in the name of your spouse, and you are either the holder of the insurance policy or a named driver on the insurance policy of your spouse for the scrapped vehicle you are eligible for the scrappage scheme.
I think that's fairly clear. In my experience, marriage allows you to act for and as each other in a number of ways that, for example, friends, cousins or siblings can't.
Seems crystal clear to me; once the insurance proviso is adhered to, you're away in a hack (figuratively speaking).