Scandal in Cork Harbour


Registered User
I have been listening to talk radio this morning on the subject of the toxic waste buried on a small island in Cork Harbour. A lady from the Cope Foundation phoned to say that there is a disproportionate number of children with special needs from the Cobh area (close to this island). Another Cobh gentleman phoned to say that his own wife had died from cancer at 40 and that the doctors in the hospital had remarked that there seemed to be a strangely high number of cancers and respiratory illnesses in the Cobh area. Maybe this is scaremongering, but maybe there is truth in it? As a proud Cork resident I am furious and frightened about this... I work in a construction related area and when I think of the hoops that we have to jump through for Health and Safety it makes me really angry that something as dangerous as this could be allowed to lie in the Harbour with the knowledge of the Government. And I have absolutely no faith in our Government to deal with it. Rant over.
You should get a response from your local T.D. People of Cobh need to know content of toxic waste. There are plans to dispose of hydrogen cyanide in county wicklow.. J. Gormley, minister for the environment,
doesn't seem to be too bothered. If he lived in the area it would be a different story. There needs to be a public body set up to oversee
and strictly control toxic waste management.