scam emails still doing the rounds.


Registered User
Got this email earlier and thought i'd reply out of the goodness of my heart.

I cant believe this one is still going around. I've heard of lots of poeple that have been conned but no one personally.

I wonder just how many people have been conned like this?

Attn Please

Dear I know that this massage will come as a suprise to you not really, do you honestly think this is the first time?

but after much consideration i decided to contact you, what when you came across my email before we proceed, jumping a little ahead of yourself there i don't know if i have introduced myself to you, you dont know if you have introduced yourself to me yet??? We're not that far into the email could you not of checked? I am Miss Becky Koulibaly oh look there's the introduction, not too far away was it

The reason why i send this massage to you is because i am not safe here due to my situation and my predicament so i decided to seek for your assistance. Well i never saw that coming, you really should change the story a bit it's always that your never safe and some horrible family member has done something and is trying to get their hands on your millions......oops you've not mentioned that yet!!! Could it be i can see into the future? How about you pay me and i'll let you know!

I have a serious problem which is an injury that lingers in my soul awwwww for almost seven months now and i want somebody who is reliable and honest what just like you who will advise or give me a suggestion oh i could give a few suggestion alright on how to overcome the crisis. you really dont want to here my advice and suggestions to you my mother is not longer alive here in abidjan as i am writing you and recently My Beloved Dad join his ancestors though the hand of his wicked brother oh look here's the bad famiy member.. who call him self my uncle but has turn to be a lion over night to me. very nice way of putting it

How i wish i will see you now in my country yeah caused that sounds like a great place to go on my holidays and we talk to each other at present. All that way for a conversation....seems a bit brekkie thrown in as well? my father before his death was a chairman of cocoa dealers predictable here in bouake ivory coast,that was when am still a student at the federal college of in Abidjan. but i stop school after the death of my father because my uncle decided to poison me he didn't get the right poison did he just for nothing sake, As am writing you now, all my hope and dream of future was shartered and spread to the sky as i don't know what to do, well your doing pretty well at managing to write about what you want to do, maybe the futures looking brighter for you...could it be, my magic powers at work again???

My father left a big amount of money with the bank USD 4.5MILLION DOLLARS, and there's the money shot ( excuse the pun ) and i don't know about this, you dont know or you didn't know? which is it cause you just mentioned it. it was on the 10th of october last year that our farmily lawyer kindly hand over to me the documents covering the deposit and the WILL and reason for caping the will bit, do you think it makes this seem that bit more believable, oh how wrong you are my father wrote and the instruction on how i will utilise the money, well at least he planned ahead...i can see the will now......con as many as you can darling and get as much as you can Meanwhile i don't know what actually what to do with this money i bet you could think of a few things because of shartered brain and life line,???????? that is why i contacted you i bet thats not the only reason so that you can advise me or give me suggestion how i will handle the inheritance and also help me to transfer this fund to your account . Oh you want my account now, between you and me my powers are that good i already knew this. I'll show you how good i really am i bet you need me to transfer over to you ( by western union of course ) a couple of grand so that you can get this money into my account. Am i right????

And after the conclution of the transfer i'll never here from you again once you get your grubby little hands on my hard earned money, oh harder earned means actually working for it not conning it from people i will come over to your country to continue my education, oh you will, will you. I'll man the place myself to stop scum like you getting in Please it is a long story your damm right it is that if i start to narrate them now, you will be start shedding tears over there, haha dont hold your breath on that one will you, since you can survive poisioning, but i will give you more details in your next mail oh yipee i'll be looking forward to that but kindly bear in mind that i need you to help me out of this my bad condition yeah life can be bad cant it and help transfer this money to his account sorry who's account? and assist me come over there for security of my life yeah throw this in for good measure, although considering you've been poisioned and still alive you seem to have magical powers yourself and the fund and start a new life for you. I'm ok with my life at the moment i dont need a new one, but thanks for the offer

Please i need your help, please i will love to hear from you urgent. bet you wish you hadn't of said that now

Thanks once again and please extend my greeting to your family. errrr no your alright, my innocent children dont need to know about arseholes in the world like you just yet.

Sweet love from

Miss Becky Koulibaly
They wouldn't send these messages if they didn't find an audience. I personally know someone, a smart and successful irish businessman, who was 'lightened' to the tune of 40,000 Euros by this kind of scam. I know him for nigh-on 20 years and he ain't stupid, but obviously pig-ignorant greed got in his way. No sympathy for him whatsoever.

You'd think it could never work but, there you are, it does!

I also know of one professional who fell for the money in the suitcase in Heathrow and lost out on over €20K. Again, greed, and he also went to his Bank Manager and told him there would be a huge lodgement into his account! Bank did not seem to question it. Another worrying aspect of it was that this person start writing to get VISAs for these people saying they were staying at his home.

Imagine getting emails from heatrow-airport(yes wrong spelling) (or something similar) and still not smelling a rat. It was unbelieveble.
There are various people out there who make a hobby out of winding up such 419 scammers, e.g. - they're quite funny at times.

I've read a few of them as well, and there are very funny at what they get them to do. The things these people will do to try and get money from you is frightening.

This was just my little way of winding them up. I used to get a lot of them, i find by replying and being smart i've recieved a lot less.
Does anyone remember the guy who was abducted when he went to meet his bride to be abroad? He was from the west and he was a former mayor or councillor???